Welcome, Dear Visitor.
As you look around my website, this topic and interest is the latest. I have started this journey a year ago, and I fell in love with it at the first sight. I currently Use Tryhackme as the practice platform, and I share my experience with any visitor. It is not a teaching. It is just my way of learning that also proves I became familiar and experienced with the relevant topic. As I'm in a poor financial situation, I cannot afford the necessary Certificate costs, but with the help of tryhackme and their amazing hands on practice, I'm trying to get the best out of those great modules.
I separated my Journey into Defensive and Offensive path, via the main menu bar you can reach subpages with certain topics.
Come with me: I Use funny descriptions, memes, pictures, diagrams to make my learning memorable. Remember: learning with smile and pleasure is ten times more effective than normal studies.
I hope you are going to enjoy the ride with me. Let's roll out :)